The Gift of Green Space
Covered in dust on a dry day, drenched in mud on a wet one, the town of Ross is booming with oil trucks, pipe, trains, campers, and people. At the center of activity lies Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Though it is not large, the church has a patch of bright green grass to the west that stands out among the various shades of brown surrounding it. In an effort to share their gift of green with neighbors, new and old, last spring members placed picnic tables and two 12×4 foot raised garden beds in the yard. The community was invited to harvest the produce, for their own use, as it was ready. This summer a play set was added to the space. This provides a safe place to swing, climb, and slide for kids living in campers and temporary housing units. “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” Mark 9:37.
May Christ’s light continue to shine from Bethlehem Lutheran, like a beacon calling others to Him, through clouds of dust and rivers of mud.
-Barbara Roise