Through our worship liturgy we are centered in God who comes to us through means of Grace: word & sacraments. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has identified these means of Grace as the proclaimed Word of God (which comes to us through preaching and the public reading of scripture), and the sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Supper.
In worship we know that God renews us through these means. After worship is over we become the means through which God renews the hurting and oppressed peoples of our world. Through the liturgy of Grace, we are connected with these means of Grace ourselves. We become carriers of the Word of God, the word of promise and love. We are transformed into bread for the hungry, and water for those who thirst for justice and righteousness in our world.
When worship is over we go our separate ways. But if it was good worship, worship that connects us with our shared center in Jesus Christ, when we leave our trajectories are defined by that common center. The paths of our lives are altered through worship. And as we go out into the world we bring that connection to the center with us, that common center of Grace through Jesus Christ.